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This Week in SGA


The first full senate meeting for all clubs at the Mount to receive funding, took place on Sept. 14 kicked off with a bang. With the first bill of the year already introduced, the legislative branch of the Student Government Association is more eager than ever to make a positive change in the Mount community.

Highlights include more information on registered student organizations, where President Emmy Jansen and VP of Financial Affairs Braeden McHugh had key announcements. Any amendments to RSO applications were due last week; students can get in contact with Jansen for any questions about RSO. McHugh announced that the SGA budget is still being finalized, but as soon as this is complete, RSOs will be notified of budget allotment for the upcoming quarter.

As a general reminder to all RSOs on campus, attendance of the senate is a requirement. To receive SGA funds, all clubs must show up. If you have a conflict, please get in touch with the SGA executive board. Roll call is taken both at the beginning and end of the Senate meeting. This attendance will be kept as a record for the executive board to see when distributing budgets.

Executive Vice President Jenna Brady, Attorney General Efosa Omorogbe and Dean Levi Esses had key announcements regarding the running within the Senate. In the kickoff meeting, Brady reminded Senators of the main functions of the Senate: creating legislation and forming committees. Omorogbe gave an update on her establishment of a Committee on Public Safety, with communication in the process of being established with the office of Public Safety. Any student with ideas for Committees should speak during the open period of the next meeting or by contacting SGA directly at

With exciting news, Dean Esses announced that elections for first-year class officers would be held Fri., Sept. 28. First-years should anticipate an email being sent out the morning of.

Additionally, the Class of 2022 President Charlie Gardiner announced that Kicking for a Cause will be held on Sept. 24. Gardiner is looking for volunteers to help run the event and hoping to generate interest for participants. Anyone wishing to volunteer and support the senior class should reach out to Gardiner.

This first full Senate was responsible for the first piece of legislation to be introduced for the year regarding a dress code for Senators. This legislation would prohibit Senators from wearing sleepwear or sweatpants to future meetings. This bill's debate and voting period will be held on Sept. 21 at the weekly Senate meeting.

SGA meetings are open to the entire student body, and students are encouraged to speak up. Weekly meetings are at 5 p.m. every Tuesday in Laughlin. The next meeting will approve the allocation of funds and vote on the dress code bill.


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