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Sharing Lent

Abigail Zinzi

Abigail Zinzi

On Feb 14. The Mount community celebrated Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is a scared religious day that marks the beginning of Lent. This is a 40-day fasting period of prayer and penance that Catholics use to better themselves and their relationships with God. 

The use of ashes being placed on our forehead is accompanied by the words "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” This phrase reminds us of our mortality and the need for repentance. The ashes themselves are often made from the burned palm branches used in the previous year's Palm Sunday celebrations. 

Deputy Grand Knight of the Mount’s chapter of the Knights of Columbus Mike Wilkes (C’25) said, “Ash Wednesday was celebrated well with the mount offering multiple opportunities to receive ashes at various times”.

Wilkes stated that “Archbishop Lori’s contribution of the mass was nothing short of spectacular. His homily brought a strong message to how Lent should be observed. He did this by saying, “Not only should we give up physical things, but we could also improve our actions as well.” Archbishop Lori states that Lent is an opportunity to practice virtues like prudence, temperance and patience.  

We can all benefit from a little time carved out of every day to work on breaking bad habits and growing our relationships with God and our peers.

1 Comment

Mar 15, 2024

J.M.J. A good explanation, Abigail. Many thanks.

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