"In order to become ethical and respectful adults, employees, and citizens of America, we must become well-informed of the social issues that are prevalent in our nation. Non-conformity can be alienating, but attempting to understand others’ cultural backgrounds, religions, and genders – which all contribute to an individual’s identity – helps us grow as young adults preparing for the world outside of our college campus. Because of this notion, I thought it would be best for the Mount community to see works of diversity through Distinct." - Rachel Donohue (C’ 21), curator of Distinct
"After Arrival" by Kyle Hackett (2017)
"Appreciation for the Scholar and the Divine Mother" by Nick Lee (2020)
"El Campesino, Salinas, CA" by Carlos Rene Castro (2017)
"Everything Must Go" by Dong Kyu Kim (2019)
"Frohawk" by Jaylyn Lassiter (2020)
"Grin & Bare" by Roxanne Anderson (2020)
"IDTYCSWSUYKIEXISTS" by Roxanne Anderson (2020)
"Motor Lodge" by Sharon Shapiro (2017)
"Untitled Spirits" by Kyle Hackett (2020)
"Pink Poodle" by Tim Doud
Artist of "Frohawk"
Details of "Everything Must Go"
"Riding Through the Puddle, Salinas, CA" by Carlos Rene Castro (2017)
"Las Ultimas Palabras, Salinas, CA" by Carlos Rene Castro (2018)
"Pink Palace" by Sharon Shapiro
"Motor Lodge" by Sharon Shapiro
"After Ascension" by Kyle Hackett
"Untitled Spirits" by Kyle Hackett
"After Arrival" by Kyle Hackett
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Rachel Donohue's Art Exhibit, Distinct
Rachel standing with the best-in-show piece
Rachel with one of her personal favorites, "After Ascension" by Kyle Hackett
Rachel with the painting "Frohawk"
Untitled- Cobi Moules (2016)