On Jan. 27 at 5 p.m., Mount St. Mary’s Women Basketball team faced off against Fairleigh Dickinson University in the Knott Arena. The Mount was led by Head Coach Antoine White. The game began with Isabella Hunt (C’24) winning the jump ball.
The first points for the Mount were made by Hunt with an assist from Kendall Bresee (C’22). The first three-pointer was made Michaela Harrison (C’22). The game was close. The Mountaineers played fiercely as FDU matched their ferocity, keeping the score close until the Mount took the lead. They stayed ahead throughout the rest of the first half and into the third quarter, tying 46 to 46 in the last few seconds.
The fourth quarter started with FDU scoring. “They were more aggressive in the second half,” stated Bresee in a press conference after the game.
Bresee made eight rebounds and six assists. Harrison scored 15 points for the team. Despite the impressive plays by the Mount, FDU slid in and won 64-56. “I don’t think [losing is] deflating… it’s basketball,” stated Bresee.
“We’ll be ready [for next time],” stated Harrison, when asked if the loss changes how they will approach the next game.
The Women’s Basketball team will return on Jan. 29 for their Homecoming game against Saint Francis University at 2 p.m.