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Emmitsburg is Exciting on Snow Days

Mount Echo

So, you live off-campus and you’re stranded in Emmitsburg on a snow day. What is there to do? For starters, you will want to bundle up in your driest clothes and try to find some shoes or boots that you don’t mind getting wet. Next, grab a few friends and begin your long journey to Dollar General on foot, where you can get all of your snow gear for a very affordable price. Once you grab your gear, you can walk from Dollar General and head either to the Mother Seton School, located behind Main Street, grab your sleds and go down the large hill that is right above the school parking lot. There is a lot of space, ideal to keep your distance and have the perfect snow day while being in a pandemic.

Still need ideas? How about walking to Dunkin’ Donuts with your friends. Grab a fresh cup of hot chocolate or coffee and enjoy the walk back to your residence as you enjoy sipping on some sweet goodness. After you are warmed up and ready to tackle the snow, have a contest with your friends to see who can create the largest and wackiest-looking snowman. You may not realize it now, but these are some of the memories that will last with you forever. Personally, my favorite thing to do with my friends, on a snow day, is going through our trash cans and finding whatever we can that looks sturdy enough to use to go sledding down a hill. The most successful? The top of a trash can! You just sit yourself in the round top and slide right down; they’re easy to control and steer. Another thing to use is the top of a container from a storage bin. Put those bins that you used to move in with to good use! Grab the top and slide right down the hill right next to Jubilee and have yourself a day.

One of the most memorable things to do is to team up with your roommates and go against your neighbors in a neighborhood snowball fight. Select a spot at which to meet, create boundaries and bombs away! If you are looking for other things to do, you can always snuggle up with a good book in bed. There truly is nothing better than reading a book in bed while watching the snowfall. I hope some of these suggestions come in handy when another snow day occurs in Emmitsburg this winter.


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