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A Day of Exploring New Horizons

Caroline Wilcox

On March 3, the Mount hosted spring semester’s first and only Exploration Day. Each Exploration Day has a different theme which is centered around lectures given that day. The theme for this Exploration Day was broadening horizons. The sessions focused on how students can expand beyond the classroom and into other learning opportunities. The day is designed to encourage students to attend lectures and engage with material outside the classroom. These Zoom sessions are held by professors and administrators to give students an opportunity to reflect on various ways that the Mount community can contribute to making the world a better place.

Father Jim Donohue, Professor of Theology, began his presentation at 11 a.m. which highlighted his experience working as an American priest in Tanzania last year. He explained how his prior teaching experience abroad prepared him for his work in the east African country. Following his presentation, Clare Tauriello, Director of the Career Center and Matthew Pouss, Assistant Director of the Career Center, discussed the internship process, tips and helpful resources to assist students in their future career and internship endeavors.

At 2 p.m., Provost Boyd Creasman led a discussion on ethical leadership and how the Mount hopes to create more programs for students to help develop them into ethical leaders. Following Creasman’s discussion, Dr. Paula Whetsel-Ribeau, the Vice President for Equity and Success, provided an update about the diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at the Mount. She spoke on the efforts of over a hundred administrators, faculty and students who worked on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force recommendations. Many of the recommendations came from suggestions and requests made by students and alumni a year ago. This presentation provided insight into Mount’s organizational leadership.

The last presentation of the day consisted of a panel of students who shared their experiences about how they grew in giving themselves for a semester and how other students could do this if they were interested as well. Exploration Day provided an opportunity to learn new ideas and tools to help the advancement in a college career.


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