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Cameras and Keepsakes

Abigail Zinzi

Abigail Zinzi



Spring at the Mount is a special time for all students but most importantly its seniors. They get to join the esteemed circle of alumni and make their mark on the world. To celebrate their milestone accomplishment, many students take part in the festivities of graduation season. One of the milestones is getting to have a photoshoot in the University’s cap and gown to commemorate their achievement.  


Julie Hemmings is a senior at the Mount who has been serving its community with her fabulous photography skills.

You can see her around campus on any given day with students posing to capture the perfect shot. She started taking college graduation photos here at the Mount in 2022, getting four bookings her first year. Now she was able to have about 15 people to take graduation photos for!

Hemmings states, “The experience for me has been nothing short of wonderful! Grad Photos are always special to photograph because they commemorate such a huge milestone in someone’s life. I’d have to say though, being able to take pictures of people here at the Mount, the people I see every day, there’s nothing like it. I get so excited for them and for the next chapter of their lives and just hope to be able to capture these moments for them with my camera in a way that they’ll remember forever.” 


She finds joy in photographing her peers through her lens and encourages other students to pick up a camera and capture these precious moments. She first started photography in 2018 when she got her first real camera. Hemmings admits at the start “I had absolutely no idea how to use it. But in 2019, I decided to get serious about it and take some photography classes. Ever since, I have been pursuing it seriously.”

She wants Mount students to know that if you have any interest in taking pictures but are just too scared to get started, to take the jump and at least try. She states, “If you asked me six years ago if I would be doing professional photography, I would’ve said “No way, I can’t do that!”, but here I am today, busier than ever taking and editing pictures.

If you’re willing to learn, you can do anything you set your mind to. Take the leap of faith and try! You may even surprise yourself!”


Graduation photos are important keepsakes, documenting your time in college. Taking pictures this year or in the future, it is important to soak up every moment! Hemmings remarks, “Being able to take pictures of these milestones, especially for your friends, it’s an indescribable feeling. I know that I’ll remember taking these pictures forever.”

The Class of 2024 has been so fortunate to have Julie Hemmings as a friend to all. She has a piece of advice for underclassman, she states, “Enjoy every moment you’re here, because there are too few and they go too fast!”.



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